8 Ways To Level Up Your Video Gaming Marketing


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Did you know that social media can make your video game go viral? Just look at games like Fortnite and Fall Guys! When players and streamers share clips of your game, it can become super popular. But remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to video game marketing. You need to come up with a social media strategy that makes sense for your audience.

Most gamers are always online and love to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. They are young and plugged into social media. So, it's important to understand what they want and give it to them.

Here are 8 ways to increase your numbers and level up your gaming marketing:

Create Hype

Gamers love live events like streams, announcements, and competitions. So, make sure to hype them up! Building anticipation gets people excited and talking about your game. Check out how Bethesda hypes up their upcoming digital #QuakeCon. Esports leagues also post about rankings and ongoing competitions to attract viewers.

Partner with Streamers

Partnering with streamers and gaming personalities is a great way to introduce your game to a new audience. It's also fun to see players enjoying your game. Find streamers who are a good fit for your game and let them promote it authentically.

Embrace Humor and Memes

Gamers love humor and memes. It's a great way to connect with them and build a sense of community. Don't take yourself too seriously and have fun with your audience!

Empower Your Community

Gamers are passionate and creative. Encourage your fans to create content and share it with you. Give them shout-outs and showcase their work. Building a strong community is important.

Be Transparent

If there's a problem with your game, be honest about it. Gamers appreciate transparency. Don't try to hide bugs or server issues. Own up to them and show that you're working on fixing them.

Deal with Trolls

Unfortunately, there will always be trolls and negative comments. It's important to have a thick skin and not let them get to you. Respond to legitimate criticism, but don't engage with trolls. Focus on your true fans.

Understand the Best Practices of Each Platform

Let's talk about the best social media channels for you and which platforms you should focus on.

First things first, it really depends on what you're looking for. But hey, Twitter is a great place to start. Getting more followers on Twitter should be your top priority because it's perfect for breaking news and it already has a bunch of gamers eagerly waiting for updates every day.

Oh, and don't forget about Facebook. It's a popular spot for offers and ads, so it's fair game for your studio. Plus, the fast-paced content on Facebook is great for catching people's attention and promoting your long-term deals.

Now, there’s also Instagram for community updates and user-generated content like fan art and cosplay photography. It's a cool place to connect with your fans and show off their amazing creations.

Lastly, have you heard about TikTok? It's like the Wild West of gaming social media right now. It's still new and exciting, but there are already billions of views on gaming-related hashtags. So, there's definitely an opportunity for gaming studios and influencers to jump on board.

Post Regularly and Consistently

The gaming industry moves at lightning speed. Seriously, it's crazy fast. New games, trends, and memes come and go before you can even blink. That's why it's super important to post regularly and keep your social media feeds active.

Here are some ideas to fill up your video game marketing content calendar:

  • Shout-outs and mentions from fans or streamers

  • Announcements for live events like streams and esports

  • User-generated content such as fan art or cosplay

  • Press mentions and positive reviews

  • Screenshots and videos from upcoming games

  • In-game updates and bug fixes

  • Questions for your community

  • Time-sensitive offers and promotions

So, there you have it, my fellow gamers. Mastering social media for video game marketing is all about understanding each platform's best practices and posting regularly to keep up with the fast-paced gaming industry. Now go out there and conquer the social media world!

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